Wordle is a fun word game where you have 6 chances to guess the word. Wordle is a fun game for kids to play too! Use our free printable set to print off all of the letters and game card.
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Free Printable Wordle for Kids Game
Get a FREE printable Wordle for kids game! The printable PDF comes with everything you need to make your own physical Wordle game for kids.
Get the free printable Wordle game at the bottom of the post!
There are 2 game set-ups you can choose from. A 4 letter word and a 5 letter word template. The 4 letter may be easier for younger kids to spell and think of words, just keep in mind it might take more guesses because you have 1 less letter to work with.
Supplies to Make a Printable Wordle Game
- White paper
- Velcro dots
- Laminating paper or a laminator
- Free printable Wordle game (get the free printable at the bottom of the post).
How to Set-up a Printable Wordle Game
- First, start off by printing the free PDF printable game. You can get the free printable at the bottom of the post.
- Laminate each page. You will need 6 of each letter for green. You will need less for yellow and grey.
- Cut out each letter.
- Optional: Add velcro dots to the game card and to the back of each letter to keep the letters in place as you play.
How to Play a Printable Wordle Game
You will need 2 people to play the printable version of Wordle.
Player 1: is the player that will guess the word.
Player 2: chooses the word and changes the letters to green or yellow.
Start by having Player 1 (the person guessing the word) add their first word guess in all grey letters. You’ll need another player that knows the word answer to react to the guesses.
The player with the word answer (Player 2) will then change any of the letters to the following:
–GREEN: change to green if the letter is in the correct space
–YELLOW: change to yellow if the letter is in the word but is not in the correct space
Player 1 then looks at what letters they got right. In this case they only got a T correct and the T is in the correct spot for the word.
Player 1 then makes another word as a guess. This time they guessed GHOST. Player 2 changes the G & H to yellow to indicate that the letters are in the word but are in the incorrect spots.
Player 1 then makes another guess and guesses. This time they guess the word LIGHT. And Player 2 changes the I, G, H to green to indicate these letters are in the correct spot.
Finally, Player 1 guesses the word EIGHT and gets the answer. They could have also guessed NIGHT or MIGHT as an option since N and M were not already guessed.
For a shorter word version we also made a 4 letter template for you to use! This is easier for younger kids that may not know how to spell 5 letter words. Keep in mind that since you only have 4 letters in each word it may take more tries to get the answer.
Grab the free printable PDF below!
This pdf is for personal use only and can be used in home, school or library settings but is not for commercial use.
We hope you have fun playing this printable Wordle game for kids! This is perfect for a classroom setting or if you want to have time away from screens.
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