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Homemade Gummy Bear Recipe

Did you know you can make your own gummy bears with only a few ingredients? We are sharing this easy to make gummy bear recipe with you today. And we’re showing you two ways to make them! You can make them with fruit juice or with JELLO (flavored gelatin). Both methods are really easy to make homemade gummy bears. We hope you try them both!

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Gummy Bear Recipe

There are two ways you can make homemade gummy bears. We decided to test out both gummy bear recipe methods and share the recipes here!

Our kids actually preferred the JELLO version but they also liked the fruit version too. If you have gelatin, JELLO or fruit juice on hand you can easily make these!

Homemade Gummy Bears

The only thing you’ll need to get in advance are the gummy bear molds. Kids will not only love eating these gummy bears but they’ll also love helping to make them! Our 4 year old had fun using the droppers to put the recipe into the molds.

2 Ways to Make Homemade Gummy Bears

We’re sharing two ways you can make your own homemade gummy bears. Let us know which one you try and which one is your favorite!

  • Gummy Bears made with JELLO
  • Gummy Bears made with fruit juice

How to Make Gummy Bears with JELLO

To make homemade gummy bears with JELLO you only need a package of JELLO and some gelatin. The easy thing with this recipe is that you don’t need to worry about how to sweeten it. Our kids loved this version because JELLO is sweet. We also love how bright and colorful the JELLO versions turned out. If you have extra JELLO boxes lying around the house this is a perfect way to use up the box!

How to Make Gummy Bears With Jello

Ingredients for JELLO version

Note: You can get Vegan Gelatin – this brand is a 1 for 1 replacement. Another option is Agar Agar Powder but we haven’t tested this with our recipes.

Homemade Gummy Bears Recipe

Directions to Make Gummy Bears with JELLO

  • Pour 1/2 cup of water into a sauce pan set on low heat
  • Add 1 package of Jello (85 size/3 oz size)
  • Add 1 tablespoon of gelatin
  • Mix until all dissolved and then remove from heat
  • Using the dropper add into your mold
Fill Gummy Bear Mold

Tip: Try to avoid getting bubbles in your dropper when placing in the mold. If you end up with bubbles on the top, that’s ok but the bubbles will solidify that way. We had some bubbly ones and the kids still thought they tasted good.

  • Place in fridge for 30 minutes or until solidified.
Gummy Bear Recipe With Jello
  • Once they are hard from the fridge you can easily pop them out of your mold. If you find them hard to take out of the molds, keep longer in the fridge to make sure they are full solidified.

Gummy Bear Recipe with Fruit Juice

We tested a lot of versions with fruit juice. We tried different sweeteners and out of them all honey was our favorite. We didn’t try with regular sugar as we wanted this version to be sweetened naturally. Note: If you want to avoid all added sugar from using store bought juice you can make your own juice with real fruit instead using a juicer.

If you want to substitute the honey for regular sugar we would recommend you add a little bit of sugar to start and then taste-test before filling your molds.

Note: Reminder that honey should not be given to babies under 1 year old.

Other Sweetener Options

  • You can also use Stevia but only the liquid drops. We tried with the powder version and the recipe did not turn out. We also tested Agave syrup but we personally did not like the flavor. The final option to sweeten naturally is you can use maple syrup. However, we liked honey the best because it’s sweet but the flavor is not too overpowering.
  • For juices we recommend any clear juices – the ones we used are called Simply Lemonades. You can also use cranberry juice or apple juice.


Keep stored in the refrigerator and they should last at least one week (but will usually get eaten up before then!).

How to Make Gummy Bears

Ingredients for Fruit Version

Note: You can get Vegan Gelatin – this brand is a 1 for 1 replacement. Another option is Agar Agar Powder but we haven’t tested this with our recipes

Here are the directions for the fruit version – you can print the recipe off here too! 

Gummer Bear Recipe Homemade
5 from 31 votes

Gummy Bear Recipe

Homemade gummy bear recipe made with fruit juice and honey. 
Prep Time10 minutes
Active Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour 10 minutes





  • Pour 1/2 cup juice into a sauce pan set on low heat.
  • Add 1 tablespoon honey.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of gelatin.
  • Mix until all dissolved and then remove from heat.
  • Using the dropper, add into your mold.
  • Place in fridge for 30 minutes to cool and form or until solidified. 

Nutrition Estimate

Calories: 27kcal, Carbohydrates: 5g, Protein: 2g, Sodium: 5mg, Potassium: 20mg, Sugar: 4g, Vitamin C: 0.2mg


Note: You can substitute the honey for maple syrup or stevia drops. Test a small amount and taste for sweetness to your liking. Do not use honey with babies under 1 year of age.
For the JELLO version, see instructions above. 
Storage: Keep stored in the refrigerator and they should last at least one week. 

More Fun Treats:

  • For another snack option for kids, see these fruit popsicles – kids love helping to make these and they are perfect for a hot summer day!

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