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Fluffy Slime Recipe

Have you tried making fluffy slime yet? This one is a must try! The texture is so fun to play with. Kids will love stretching and squishing this fluffy slime. And we have to say, we think this is the best fluffy slime recipe you will try.

RELATED: How to Make Slime with Contact Solution

Fluffy Slime Recipe

We made this recipe with unicorn colors – pink, teal and purple. We love how colorful and pretty it looks too! And if you want a sparkly unicorn slime be sure to see this unicorn slime recipe.

What is Fluffy Slime? 

Fluffy slime is really just regular slime made with shaving cream added. The amount of shaving cream you add will change the texture and consistency of the slime. The more you add, the “fluffier” it will be. If you just want it to be a little fluffy, then this recipe will walk you through how much shaving cream to use. The fun part about making slime is experimenting with different amounts to see how the slime forms.

If you want to make sure your slime turns out – be sure to read the instructions carefully. The type of contact lens solution you need and glue is very important! Substituting these ingredients for other brands may result in your slime not working. We also do not recommend substituting the brands we recommend.

Unicorn Fluffy Slime

Slime Recipe for Fluffy Slime

If you’re looking for a general slime recipe, our base slime recipe can be found here:  How to Make Slime With Contact Solution. We like to use contact lens solution instead of pure borax in our slime recipes. We recommend you try this basic recipe to start if you haven’t made slime before. It is easier to make than fluffy slime and will give you an idea on how much you need to knead and work the slime for it to form.

Fluffy slime is a lot of fun for kids to play with – however we recommend adult supervision and that adults should make the slime. See more safety tips at the bottom of this post before making your slime.

Fluffy Slime

Once you have your fluffy slime made, have fun stretching and squishing it. Fluffy slime will leave indentations when you press on it which regular slime won’t do as easily. It’s a bit harder to stretch as it gives a fluffy consistency instead.

How Long Does Slime Last?

The fluffiness will only last a day. So if you do plan on storing it for future use, just note that the shaving cream settles and the next day it won’t be as fluffy. You can still continue to play with it after the first day but it will turn into a consistency more like regular slime.  Store in an air tight container and it should last at least 1 week.

Unicorn Fluffy Slime Recipe for Kids

Fluffy Slime Ingredients

If you want a large batch – triple the below recipe. Or make 3 batches with 3 different colors like we did and turn your slime into Unicorn Fluffy Slime!

Per batch: 

  • 2/3 cup of Elmer’s White Glue – we like to buy this gallon size of white glue as it’s a lot cheaper and you can continue to use it to make more batches.

Note: we made this with Elmer’s white glue. Do not substitute with other glue as the make-up may not be the same and the recipe may not work

  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • 2-3 cups Shaving Cream – note: do not use shave gel.
  • 1.5 Tablespoons Contact Lens Solution –  *Important: your brand of contact lens solution must have boric acid and sodium borate in the ingredient list. This is what interacts with the glue to form the slime. We recommend only using Renu fresh or Equate brand. Do not substitute with other brands.

SEE: How to Make Slime With Contact Solution for more tips making slime with contact lens solution.

  • Liquid Food Coloringthis set comes with all kinds of vibrant pinks, purples and blues.

Watch the Video Tutorial

How to Make Fluffy Slime

1. Add your white glue to a bowl.

White Glue for Fluffy Slime

2.  Add you water and baking soda and then mix.

Fluffy Slime Without Borax

3. Add your shaving cream and mix.

How to Make Fluffy Slime with Shaving Cream

4. Add your food coloring until you are satisfied with the color. Mix.

Fluffy Slime Ingredients

5. Now slowly add in your contact solution.

**Important: your brand of contact lens solution must have boric acid and sodium borate in the ingredient list. This is what interacts with the glue to form the slime. If slime does not form it is typically due to the contact lens solution not having these ingredients. Check your label and see the recommended brands above in our ingredient list.

We like to add in 1 tablespoon, knead for 5 minutes and then add in the 1/2 tablespoon after kneading for some time. The slime will be very sticky when you’re kneading – and that’s normal!

Best Fluffy Slime Recipe

The first tablespoon you add will let you start to knead it. And the last 1/2 tablespoon will bring the stickiness down and it shouldn’t be sticking as much to your hands.

Note- fluffy slime is MESSY when you’re making it. It is normal that it will stick to your hands as you’re kneading.

If you find it still too sticky – add some baby oil or lotion to your hands.  You can also add more contact solution if it’s still too sticky, just a little bit at a time. If you add too much contact solution the slime may become too hard and won’t be as stretchy to play with.

Now repeat the above recipe for each color you’d like to make. Note: Once you mix the colors together they will eventually mix into one color like play dough does. So you can keep them separately or mix and see what happens! If you make all 3 colors it may turn to gray so if you want to end up with purple just mix the pink and purple together.

Fluffy Slime Recipe for Kids

Now you’re done and you can play with it!

The slime will keep for at least a week in an air tight container. As mentioned above, you’ll lose the fluffiness factor after the first day, but it is still fun to play with!

Print off the full slime recipe here: 

Fluffy Slime
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Fluffy Slime Recipe

Fluffy Slime Recipe


  • 2/3 Cup White Elmer’s Glue
  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • 2-3 Cups Shaving Cream
  • 1.5 tablespoons Contact Lens Solution **Important: your brand of contact lens solution must have boric acid and sodium borate in the ingredient list. This is what interacts with the glue to form the slime.
  • Liquid Food Coloring


  • Add your white glue to a bowl.
  • Add you water and baking soda and then mix.
  • Add your shaving cream and mix. The more shaving cream you add, the fluffier it will be. You may need to add more contact lens solution if you make it with 3 cups. 
  • Add your food coloring until you are satisfied with the color. Mix.
  • Now slowly add in your contact solution. 
    **Important: your brand of contact lens solution must have boric acid and sodium borate in the ingredient list. This is what interacts with the glue to form the slime. We like this brand the best.
    We like to add in 1 tablespoon, knead for 5 minutes and then add in the 1/2 tablespoon after kneading for some time. The slime will be very sticky when you're kneading – and that's normal!
  • If you find it still too sticky – add some baby oil or lotion to your hands. You can also add in more contact lens solution if you still find it too sticky. Just a little bit at a time. We like to add an extra teaspoon at a time until it stops sticking. If you add too much the slime may become too hard and won’t be as stretchy to play with.

Slime Safety & Precautions

Note: Making slime is a science experiment and safety precautions should still be made when creating slime. By making this slime, you agree to our site terms which you can read here.

  • Adults should handle any chemicals and products
  • Adults should make the slime
  • Always read and follow the labels of products used. If contact lens solution is accidentally ingested, seek medical attention immediately.
  • This project is not suitable for children under 4.
  • Slime should not be placed in the mouth. Always wash hands before and after playing with the slime.
  • If you notice any skin irritation, discontinue use immediately. If you have sensitive skin, wear gloves while making and playing with the slime.
  • Slime is a science experiment and should be made and played with in moderation. Do not allow children to make their own slime and do not play with slime for an extended period of time.

Try these other slime recipes:

See these other fun slime recipes!

Unicorn Glitter Slime – this is so fun and pretty!

Glitter Unicorn Slime

Galaxy Slime – fun to learn about galaxies and mix up some slime for sensory play!

Slime Galaxy Colors
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207 comments on “Fluffy Slime Recipe”

    1. The Best Ideas for Kids

      Yes it will just be a little bit stickier so you may need to offset with a bit more lotion or contact solution.

  1. Bernice Haines

    Not only is this fun to play with but can also be used to clean hard to get to areas around the house and car. Like those corners on picture frames, vents in the car and house etc. Don’t use on cloth as it will stick to it and is hard to remove.

  2. I’ve made this twice and I’ve found that both times I’ve needed like a tablespoon on baking soda? 
    But once i add way more of that, it turns out perfect!! 

    1. The Best Ideas for Kids

      This makes 1 batch of slime but it could be split into smaller amounts and split amongst 2-3 kids.

  3. I know it says in the recipe to not use any other kind of glue, but is there really a difference between Elmers white glue and Elmers clear glue? I have a big bottle of the clear glue and and wanted to try to use that to make this but dont want to waste any if there is really a difference.
    Thanks this looks like a really fun recipe!

    1. The Best Ideas for Kids

      Hey! If you only have clear glue on hand it will still turn into slime so that’s ok. What I have found though is that clear glue tends to be a little more stiffer and doesn’t stretch quite as nicely as white glue does. So just keep that in mind. Have fun!

  4. Brittany Cornejo

    5 stars
    This is the best recipe!! My daughter and I have tried countless slime recipes and they always turned out too sticky. This one was 100% perfect. Only one I’ll use from now on!

  5. 5 stars
    This is the best recipe ever. I tried a ton of fluffy slime recipes and yours is the best. 👌👌 awesomeness

  6. 5 stars
    LOVE IT!!! THE BEST!! We used Renu Fresh contact solution and it turned out perfectly! My 8 year old daughter loved it!

  7. 5 stars
    I love this recipe. We bought fun smelling shaving cream from target. Ours smells like summer time and ocean. 

    The kids love this so much.  Thanks for posting. 

  8. Bridget Weisbrod

    5 stars
    Worked perfect for all 3 batches made. Sticky as author warned, the more you work the slime the better it comes off the hands but watch for hair!. Followed recipe exactly as written. Most fun for my 7 and 9 yo but 4 yo was more excited about the process than the slime, too messy for Ms.Priss.

  9. 5 stars
    First time making slime, followed recipe exactly. Came out perfect! Kids love it, said it is best slime ever!

  10. 5 stars
    My kids loved making this slime! We used Target contact solution (thanks for the tip to check for Boric acid) and it worked perfectly. We printed it and saved it to make it again soon. Thanks!

  11. Awesome! My granddaughter & I made some (3 batches of different colors)! She loves it! Thank you!

  12. 5 stars
    This is great! T saved this as my favorite slime recipe and I’m sure i’ll make it again!

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